Zebra herd running
© naturepl.com  / Anup Shah / WWF

How to Help WWF this March

March is a crucial month for wildlife conservation, and there are plenty of ways you can support WWF’s mission to protect endangered species and their habitats. Whether you want to take part in a global event, make a donation, or raise awareness, every action counts. Below we're sharing some impactful ways that you can help WWF this March. 

Celebrate love with WWF's unique Valentine's gift ideas

With the weather finally getting warmer, now’s a great time to get outside and get your prescription for nature – in other words, 20 minutes a day outdoors - you’ll feel better for it!

We have plenty of ways to fundraise for WWF, but this month we’re asking you to walk, run, cycle, swim, horseride or dance 100 miles in March to bring our world back to life. Get moving and help wildlife, oceans and forests across the world. Plus if you sign up by March 7th you’ll receive your free WWF panda t-shirt. To encourage yourself to explore the outdoors, read more and sign up for the 100 Miles in March Challenge.

Dad and Son before their bike ride from Woking to Switzerland

Switch off for earth hour 2025 on 22nd March

Keep your eye on the countdown for one of the biggest global movements for the planet. Earth Hour encourages everyone to switch off their lights for one hour at 8:30pm local time. This symbolic gesture highlights the urgent need for climate action.

You can take part by:

  • Turning off your lights
  • Hosting an Earth Hour event
  • Spending this hour doing something positive for the planet
  • Sharing the word on social media using the hashtags #BiggestHourForEarth and #MyHourForEarth

Find just 60 minutes to take action for our shared future, and together we can bring our world back to life.