Camera trap image of a jaguar in the Amazon
© Emmanuel Rondeau / WWF France

Save our Amazon

The fate of the Amazon and the species that live within this ancient forest is in your hands, will you help to save it? The choice is yours.

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The Amazon rainforest plays a vital role in sustaining life on our planet. Yet this vast tropical wilderness and its inhabitants are fast approaching an irreversible tipping point caused by forest loss and degradation.

We’ve already lost 17% of Amazon tree cover, and there is a very real risk that if we lose around 20% of total tree cover, this precious forest won’t be able to sustain itself.

Not only would this be catastrophic for the forest and the people who rely on it, we also risk losing the wildlife that call the Amazon home.

Use the image slider below to see how the Amazon could look if we act now.

Aerial view of deforestation next to standing green forest
Aerial view of canopy of Amazon rainforest


76% of our world’s jaguar population can be found in the Amazon. Jaguars are what’s called an umbrella and keystone species.

They’re at the top of the food chain, which means if their numbers are reduced, there is a serious knock-on effect for the entire ecosystem.

With their habitat under constant threat and their territories being reduced at an alarming rate, this has a significant impact on jaguar numbers, and, in turn, the Amazon’s natural balance.

Black and white camera trap photo of jaguar taken at night


We’re already carrying out work with local communities to protect jaguars and their Amazon habitat, by studying them and their movements with camera traps. We’ve captured over half a million images so far in Guaviare, Colombia alone. This helps us to identify the areas in which they roam, to ensure that those areas are protected. This also helps to promote coexistence with local villages and farms.   

We’re also working with local farmers to help them to make a living by producing crops without the need to clear trees. This helps famers to resist deforestation and attempts by big businesses to buy their land, while protecting their livelihoods.  

Your donation can help to fund these projects, along with other work we are carrying out to protect both Jaguars and the Amazon. Together, we can help bring this vital forest back to life. 

Man posing with phone displaying jaguar image
© Luis Cano / WWF Colombia
close up image of a jaguar, taken by a camera trap


Could purchase memory cards and batteries to keep a camera trap functioning for months
livestock pictured behind an anti-predatory electric fence


Could help fund the purchase of solar panels and electric fences to keep livestock safe and reduce human-jaguar conflict
Seedlings and harvested cacao seed pods


Could help fund training activities on co-existence with jaguars and sustainable production in forested landscapes
Aerial view of the canopy of the Amazon rainforest

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Donate any amount to help fund our work in protecting the Amazon and the species that call it home

Amazon FAQs

When you donate to WWF's Amazon appeal your donation could fund a variety of different projects. From lobbying governments and companies around the world to take action to halt deforestation and restore the Amazon, to supporting Indigenous peoples and local communities in monitoring local wildlife populations. 

To donate to WWF's Amazon appeal, choose an amount to donate from the widget on the page, click donate, and enter your payment details in our secure checkout. 

The Amazon rainforest is important because pepole around the world, as well as locally, depend on the rainforest for everything ranging from food and water to medicines, and also its ability to help stabilise the climate as it stores 150-200 billion tons of carbon.

The Amazon rainforest is home to 10% of all the wildlife species we know about - it has more species of primate than anywere else on Earth, and the Amazon river contains more than twice as many types of fish than any other river, and there are hundreds of thousands of different plants and animals in the entire rainforest.