It's a big goal, but together we can achieve it.
We aim to ensure one trillion trees have been re-grown, saved from loss, and better protected around the world by 2050.
Each donation will help protect or plant a tree. Our goal of restoring and protecting one trillion trees by the year 2050 is ambitious but achievable with your help. Donating just £10 a month will help protect trees, plant trees, restore forests, and bring our world back to life.
How your donation can help
- A donation of £10 per month could help fund our work with youth groups in Tanzania to protect and plant trees.
- A donation of £25 per month could help us expand our work with local communities in the Colombian Amazon, building their capacity to protect and restore forests.
- A donation of £150 per month could help us develop new mechanisms to finance landscape restoration, unlocking the potential for much greater global action to bring back forests .
It’s not news that we need to reverse the trend of global forest loss. The goal of zero deforestation is firmly on the political and corporate agenda, as is the restoration of forest landscapes. But the goals and the financial commitments on the table are not having the impact they should. Companies are struggling to deliver on their pledges, and programmes are still finding it difficult to secure funding.

This initiative is a joint venture of WWF, BirdLife International and WCS to help close this implementation gap. With our combined experience, networks and resources, leveraged by a dedicated, agile team, we can inspire the world to protect and restore a trillion trees by 2050.
Trillion Trees is currently helping to support and protect 56 million hectares of critical habitat for people and wildlife. With your support we can do so much more. Together we can all make a difference.
Trillion Trees is also proud to work with the Global Returns Project to drive action on climate change and help bring our world back to life.
Thank you bringing back forests for people, nature and climate with Trillion Trees and WWF.