Become an Ocean Hero - Donate Today
Our work with Sky Ocean Rescue has seen us dive into some incredible projects to help protect and restore the UK Ocean.
Sky Ocean Rescue and WWF are working to protect and restore our amazing oceans. We’ve come together at this crucial time because our oceans are reaching crisis point, with climate change, plastic pollution and growing demand for resources, such as food and energy, putting pressure on our oceans and marine wildlife like never before.
We are committed to tackling the issues, restoring the oceans and challenging the Government to do more. From pioneering the replanting of seagrass, to effecting change at the highest levels of Government, we will strive to continue to futureproof our oceans for generations to come.
Seagrass Restoration
In 2020 we started to plant one million seagrass seeds to create an underwater meadow in Wales. This exciting work - the UK's biggest seagrass restoration project – is vital: in the UK, up to 92 per cent of our seagrass has disappeared in the last century.
Not only does it act as a nursery for marine wildlife, including endangered wildlife such as seahorses, it plays a crucial role in absorbing carbon. Even though seagrass only covers 0.2% of the seafloor, it absorbs 10% of the ocean’s carbon each year, making it an incredible tool in the fight against climate change.

Basking Sharks
In the Inner Hebrides we sought to protect the gentle giants of the oceans, basking sharks, by using underwater robot cameras to observe their behaviour, helping to build a case to create a new Marine Protected Area.

Porpoise Advocacy
We also demanded that the UK Government take action to protect harbour porpoises after our research found that, on average, three porpoises are being killed every day in fishing nets in the UK.

Plastic Waste Shark
We launched a WasteShark in north Devon – the UK’s first marine robot designed specifically to eat plastic waste – that can travel up to 5,000 metres and collect up to 60kg of waste at a time.

Your donation will not only help fund the protection and recovery of the Ocean, but also fund our other vital work around the world.
Your donations can help us make even more of this work possible.